Joomla Auction Factory
Auction Factory Joomla Extension from the. PHPfactory. We provide the demo server for testing purposes, where visitors can access the frontend and also the backend area. Top Notch Joomla Auction Templates. CMS. Auction Factory http This template works for all Joomla versions and it supports all of. The important features are usually available on the demo server, while some particular features including the payment plugins if the extension in case has these features are disabled. Keep in mind that for our Joomla Smarty templates, the display is fully customizable also through our own product templates, otherwise the display remains flexible and offers the possibility to be matched with the site template through the CSS files. Please note that the demo server is set on an hourly reset, meaning that any changes will be at some point erased and the initial values restored. We offer our extensions without encryption, in order to offer maximum flexibility for each webmaster, therefore we cannot offer any trial versions. Without encryption, each webmaster can modify the code in order to suit their own particular requirements detailed information under our Terms Conditions. For a better product insight we recommend to check the product documentation which describes in detail, all available features and settings of the extension. Joomla Auction Extensions. Share on. Reverse Auction Factory. Registered Joomla users can add their own auction items 2. Auction Factory the unique Auction System for all Joomla versions. Auction Factory supports all common auction types Public Auctions, Private Auctions Sealed. Lexi-Comp For Android. Auction Factory the unique Auction System for all Joomla versions. Auction Factory supports all common auction types Public Auctions. Joomla Auction Factory' title='Joomla Auction Factory' />Auction Factory comes with multiple modules that enhance users experience on your website, which can be enableddisabled and configured from Joomlas Module Manager.